City of henderson nc business registration form
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Development Services
- Applications
- Agendas & Meeting Dates
- Code Compliance
- Contacts
- Zoning Ordinances
- 2022 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Fair Housing Complaints
Home Departments Development Services
Development Services
The Development Services Department is located in City Hall and is open to the public Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. T he Department can be reached at (252) 430-5700 or by fax at (252) 492-7935.
The department administers zoning and subdivision regulations within the corporate city limits and the extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The ETJ’s boundary goes up to one and one-half mile from the city limits.
- Reviews site plans and new development proposals
- Updates and maintains the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations and any other duly adopted plans and policies
- Oversees updates to the Transportation Improvement Plan
- Provides information to and advises citizens, contractors, developers and elected officials concerning development regulations, zoning requirements & subdivision regulations, etc.
- Administers the CDBG Program (Community Development Block Grants)
- Provides staff support to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Community Development Advisory Committee and Downtown Development Commission
- Serves on the Rural Transportation Planning Organization
- Provides technical assistance to other departments and agencies as necessary
Henderson, NC
134 Rose Ave.
Henderson, NC 27536
City Hall
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM