01 Inertia Mass - Information and practice material to use in class for better understanding

Air Track Student Exploration answer key

01 Inertia Mass - Information and practice material to use in class for better understanding

Topic : Properties and States of Matter

Subject : Physical Science

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Was this document helpful? Newto n's Laws Na me: © The Phy sics Cla ssro om, 200 9 Page 1 Inertia and Mass Read f rom Le sso n 1 of the Ne wton 's La ws chap ter at The P hysics Class roo m : http:/ /www. physi csclas sroom .com/C las s/newtl aws/u2 l1a .html http:/ /www. physi csclas sroom .com/C las s/newtl aws/u2 l1b.ht ml MOP Co nne ction: New ton's La ws: s ub level 1 1. Inerti a is

2. The a mount of ine rtia po sses s ed by a n object is de pend ent sole ly upo n its _ ____ ___ __.

3. Two b ricks are re sting on edge of the lab table. Shirle y She short s tan ds on her t oes and spo ts the

two b ricks. She ac quire s an in tense desire to kn ow whi ch of the t wo brick s are mos t massi ve. Sin ce

Shirley is ve rtically challe nge d, she i s una ble to reach h igh en ough and lif t the b ricks; she can

howeve r re ach high en ough to give the bri cks a pu sh . Dis cuss h ow the proce ss of pu shi ng the b ricks

will a llow Shirley to de termine which of t he tw o bricks is most ma ssive. What diffe rence will Shirley ob s er ve an d how can thi s ob servati on lead to th e nece ssary conclu sion ?

4. Would Shirley She shor t be able to c onduc t thi s same st udy if s he was on a spaceship in a locat ion in

space fa r fr om the influen ce of signifi cant gravi tational forces ? _____ __ Explain your answe r.

5. If a m oose were cha sing you throug h the wood s, its en ormous mas s would be very t hreate ning. But